I'm starting to develop links for you to check out. Some really cool stuff, at least I think so.
Friends Site - Fred has his own site and competes with Hollywood producers and remakes old classics into Fred Classics, starring, guess who? It changes from time to time and whatever you do, don't send money.
Greece - Here are some links
to the origin of the Colchamiro Family.
Beautiful pictures of Ioannina and some history -
Some more information about Ioannina -
Our vacation pictures to Greece in October, 1998.
Brighton Beach -
When I was looking for information about Brighton Beach, I found this page which gives a
real good look at Brighton as it is now.
This is another one from the Brooklyn Public Library,
Here is some really old Brighton Beach pictures, 1901-1906.
Coney Island -
This site is really great if you like history and there are some very interesting facts
about Coney Island - Brighton Beach's next door neighbor.
This is a fun one about trolley cars, which I used to take to 6th and 7th grade. I took
the trolley from Brighton 3rd Street to Coney Island to attend P.S. 100.
Others -
For some really cool web designs check out this site, I've used it on Mary's page
Some of the graphics are on Art Today check this out
Eyegive is a way you can help support your favorite charity when you are on the net. I do this by donating to WBEZ-FM in Chicago, the National Public Radio affiliate (WNPR). Each time I use Eyegive a small amount of money gets donated to them. Check it out.