How This Started
In 1987 I wrote a newsletter and mailed it to my immediate family. It seems that some
of the family sent copies to relatives I did not know (directly) and the response was both
rewarding and over whelming. Unfortunately time and events prevented me from continuing
the printed newsletter. Now to the 1990s (1998 to be exact) I continue the news about the
Colchamiro Family on the World Wide Web.
One question I received from related relatives was, Who are you? I think I best tell
you now. My name is Martin Colchamiro and the family I write about is the Colchamiro
Family of Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, New York. That is where it all began for me and I hope
to expand this to include where it really started.
The family lived in the Brighton Beach neighborhood and this was our family community.
Some lived on Brighton 3rd Street (me), some on Brighton 4th and 2nd Streets. All of the
cousins enjoyed the close proximity of one another and it was always just a block or two
or several to visit Aunt Rae and Uncle Jack. On the pages you can access will be a more
detailed look at the family.
The first issue was about my children and parents. It was two
pages long and when I read it now it seems so long ago but is just as rewarding for me. So
much has changed since then, at least in terms of events and growth of the children. The
children (that's what I call them) now have their own, at least most of them do. This
last statement is not intended to give guilt to those of them who do not have children.
Each is growing in their own way and it truly a beautiful thing to behold. |