Being the oldest of the grandchildren, I had some
special privileges, as it is with the eldest. It also gave me the opportunity to be
with my grandmother, Nona., who lived nearby. I do not have many memories of my
grandfather, Elias, as he passed when I was about l0 or so.
I do remember, going to visit Nona and Grandpa, especially on the evenings when Your Show
of Shows was on television and also Milton Berle. We were also in the area most Tuesday
nights as we watched the fireworks from the boardwalk.
Nona and Grandpa bought a TV when it first came was because Grandpa was not
well and this would entertain him.
I also remember that before school started, when I was about l0, Grandpa called me over
to his bed and gave me $5.00 because I was starting school. He also gave my brother $l.00,
as he was starting kindergarten. It must have made quite an impression for me to
remember it. It was a very nice gesture.
I saw Nona many times because she would come over to our house after school. She
went to school near where we lived. She was taking English and Math lessons.
Nona was a beautiful woman, so wise and wonderful. My Mom (Rae), being the oldest
daughter, really was close to Nona and like a second Mother to the children. Nona
would give her all sorts of responsibilities, as a child and throughout her growing up
years. I understand she (my Mom) took the children to the beach, cared for them, and was
quite responsible.
When my Mother was younger, as I was told, Nona used to give my Mother money every day
and before Mom had lunch she would take the money and shop for vegetables for that
evening's dinner. Nona told Mom to buy what looked fresh. Then my Mother would
return to the house and Nona would have lunch for her before my Mom returned to school.
When I was growing up, I remember an incident with hairspray. It had just come on the
market and I was surprised when Nona showed it to me (by the foyer near her bedroom).
She loved up-to-date things and told me she needed it for her hair.
She was a wonderful blend of old world mixed with modern times. I always loved Nona.
I also remember the large pressing machine she had. When she was using it she set it up
in the kitchen. It certainly wasn't something we had in our home.
Nona also cooked well and made wonderful Greek dishes. My Mom makes some of them today
and they are so good. The Greek dishes are made with lots of vegetables , cheese and
pastry. Some of my favorites are baked eggplant, and baked squash...and of course
The Colchamiro Family is warm, caring and close. How wonderful for us.